Thursday, October 30, 2008

Oct 30 08

[You have to see this. I laughed, I cried, I went to the mall and clubbed a republican, Bub]

Check out what the Wassup Boys have done:




Today's Onion headline:

Olympic Rifleman Freelancing On Firing Squad


AARP just cracks me up! Well, this is pretty good.


From ZDNet

Posted by Robin Harris @ 12:31 pm

Blu-ray is dead - heckuva job, Sony!

Blu-ray is in a death spiral. 12 months from now Blu-ray will be a videophile niche, not a mass market product.

With only a 4% share of US movie disc sales and HD download capability arriving, the Blu-ray disc Association (BDA) is still smoking dope. Even $150 Blu-ray players won't save it.......


Voices For The Uninsured
Tune into the AMA-sponsored podcast series

Live365 is pleased to host the Voices Podcast Series, sponsored by the American Medical Association (AMA). The series features one-on-one conversations and live performances with a variety of artists who openly share their struggles with being uninsured -- a situation affecting nearly 46 million in this country. Tune in to see how the AMA is raising awareness of this crisis in America. Click here for artist bios, podcasts, and more.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Oct 29 08


A bald man with a wooden leg is invited to a Halloween party. He doesn't know what costume to wear to hide his head and his leg so he writes to a costume company to explain his problem.
A few days later, he received a parcel with the following note: Dear Sir,Please find enclosed a pirate's outfit. The spotted handkerchief will cover your bald head and, with your wooden leg, you will be just right as a pirate.Very truly yours,Acme Costume Co.
The man thinks this is terrible because they have emphasized his wooden leg and so he writes a letter of complaint.
A week goes by and he receives another parcel and a note, which says: Dear Sir,Please find enclosed a monk's habit. The long robe will cover your Wooden leg and, with your bald head, you will really look the part.Very truly yours,Acme Costume Co.
Now the man is really upset since they have gone from emphasizing his wooden leg to emphasizing his bald head so again he writes the company another nasty letter of complaint.
The next day he gets a small parcel and a note, which reads: Dear Sir,Please find enclosed a bottle of molasses and a bag of crushed nuts. Pour the molasses over your bald head, pat on crushed nuts, stick your wooden leg up your ass and go as a caramel apple. Very truly yours,Acme Costume Co

Yesteday, in mentioning the Crossroads 2007 Guitar Festival I suggested checking out Jeff Beck playing with his daughter. That just doesn't sound right. Trading licks with his daughter? No, that ain't right either. How about sharing guitar duties with his bass playing teenage daughter? Now I am politically correct.

Way back "in the day" Frank Zappa did a song in which someone asked "if she was your daughter, what would you do, daddy?" To which the sick industrial politician father answered "I'd smother my daughter in chocolate syrup and plug her 'til the cows come home....." I wonder how he felt about writing and recording that song after he had his own daughter?

I especially liked this one from our friends at the Onion.
Just another week in the salt mines. Bub

August 26, 2008
Issue 44•35

Sagittarius By the end of the week, you'll be the nation's foremost expert on muskrat attacks, industrial glue mishaps, and rare Egyptian curses.
See All Horoscopes

Check out the League of Women Voters homepage for non-partisan information about the candidates. Clink on the link to your state to see what is at stake locally.

What? A word older men use because they can't understand every word of a statement made by a woman three rooms away. This is guaranteed to lead to many of the words in the following list of words women use. [don't ask me how I know, Bub]

From: Cousin Bonnie
(1) Fine: This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.
(2) Five Minutes: If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.
(3) Nothing: This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine.
(4) Go Ahead: This is a dare, not permission. Don't Do It!
(5) Loud Sigh: This is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men... A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing. (Refer back to # 3 for the meaning of nothing.)
(6) That's Okay: This is one of the most dangerous statements a women can make to a man. That's okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.
(7) Thanks: A woman is thanking you, do not question, or faint. Just say you're welcome. (I want to add in a clause here - This is true, unless she says 'Thanks a lot' - that is PURE sarcasm and she is not thanking you at all. DO NOT say 'you're welcome' . that will bring on a 'whatever').
(8) Whatever: Is a woman's way of saying F--K YOU!
(9) Don't worry about it, I got it: Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking 'What's wrong?' For the woman's response refer to # 3.

* Send this to the men you know, to warn them about arguments they can avoid if they remember the terminology. * Send this to all the women you know to give them a good laugh, cause they know it's true!!! [??????]

The Humane Society of the United States


Watch AARP’s video today and find out who your fellow Americans are electing to bring real change this November. The best person for the job may just surprise you.



Just click on the link below, click on play, and then leave the mouse alone. Sit back and enjoy a piece of IT creative brilliance. Somebody spent A LOT of time here!!


More Mother [Earth News] Knows Best
Was his crime terrorism? Narcotics? No. He was selling raw milk, yogurt, fresh kefir and cheeses directly from his farm without a permit.
Pour me a tall one!


Plant Edible Ground Cover
If you are planning on replacing your lawn, you have a few more choices than you think.
I'd rather pick berries than mow.


Live on Less and Love It!
These 75 ideas will inspire you to enjoy life more while spending less. Learn how you can have fun and save money, ultimately living a better, wiser life.
Let’s cut the budget.


12 Rules of Raking
Quick and easy tips to ease the burden of collecting those fallen harbingers of autumn.
Help me rake it.


Crazy about plants?
Check out these sites:

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Oct 28 08 Supp.

The blog software is cutting off text on the right side of my computer.
Let it be clear that I am NOT writing in Ralph Nader.

Oct 28 08

The Electric Fetus
A real live music store with reviews, contests, vinyl records.....
I don't know how you can subscribe online but I receive a paper newsletter that is full of good information if you want to keep up with new music.


A harbinger of things to come:

Climate link to amphibian decline


Tabby cat mothers red panda cub.
( I am a lover of animals so pardon my facetiousness)

Aw, ain't they cute? Precious! Dear?


From Pam and Prevention magazine online
14 Surprising Signs You'll Live Longer Than You Think
What you're doing right, and how to do it better
Will You Live to 100?   [do I really want to?] 



On the slight chance that you might have missed it I want to give my highest recommendation, 5 golden eggs, to the following DVD. There is some guitar music that will send chills down your spine. Check out Jeff Beck playing with his daughter. Bill Murray is a great host as well.

Crossroads: Eric Clapton Guitar Festival 2007
Crossroads: Eric Clapton Guitar Festival 2007










Monday, October 27, 2008

Oct 27 08, p. 2

Porn with a bite

Robert Englund and Jenna Jameson in

Zombie Strippers

They'll dance for a fee

They'll devour you for free

Tis the season!




I am still a Nader fan. He acts for the greater good. He doesn't buy big houses or cars. He won't be found on the front of a cereal box. He just says what he sees as right for the nation. How cool is that? P.S. I am not writing him in on the ballot. This election is too important.



Nader's Stubborn Idealism

Nader's Stubborn Idealism

William Greider : Presidential Election 2008

Ralph Nader is a man of political substance, trapped in an era of easy lies.




More from

Rocking the Black Vote

Amy Alexander : Media

Dallas DJ Tom Joyner is encouraging African-American listeners to engage in electoral politics. Subscribe

Read More




Let's not forget the Supremes!!!!   Please!

The Supreme Court and the Election: What's at Stake

By Herman Schwartz

This article appeared in the November 3, 2008 edition of The Nation.




Military officers that are willing to face the consequences of honesty about Gitmo. Hurrah! Thanks, Jay

Volume 55, Number 17 · November 6, 2008

'Official American Sadism'

By David J.R. Frakt, Reply by Anthony Lewis

In response to Official American Sadism (September 25, 2008)
To the Editors:
I am prominently mentioned in a quite flattering light by Anthony Lewis in his article "Official American Sadism" [ NYR, September 25]. Please convey my appreciation to Mr. Lewis for his kind words. However, there are a couple of minor factual inaccuracies in his story regarding my client's case that I wanted to try to get corrected. I know that Mr. Lewis as a Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist would want to get his facts right even if they are not central to the point of his story.
The story says:
Mohammed Jawad, an Afghan accused of throwing a grenade at a convoy of American soldiers in Kabul in late 2002, wounding two, was brought to the Guantánamo Bay prison camp in February 2003. He was then seventeen years old. In December 2003 he attempted suicide. The following May he was subjected to what Guantánamo officials called the "frequent flyer program." Every three hours, day and night, he was shackled and moved to another cell—112 times over fourteen days.
We know about what was done to Mr. Jawad because the military lawyer assigned as his defense counsel, Major David J.R. Frakt (Air Force Reserve), sought and won from a military judge an order for his jailers to produce the records of his captivity. Major Frakt brought out the realities of Jawad's treatment in his closing argument at a pre-trial hearing on June 19, 2008—an argument that was a remarkable display of legal and moral courage.
Two points: 1. Jawad is accused of throwing a grenade at a vehicle with American soldiers in it, but it was not part of a convoy. It was a vehicle traveling alone through a crowded bazaar in the streets of Kabul. The Russian-made jeep-like vehicle known as a Gaz had two American special forces members and one Afghan interpreter inside. All three were injured. The incident occurred on December 17, 2002, and there are a number of press accounts about the incident available on the Internet. Google "Kabul hand grenade attack" and the date and you will find the stories. You will note that others were arrested for the incident as well, but Jawad, the minor, is the only one in US custody and the only one being tried for this offense. This is an interesting story as well.
2. The judge did not order the jailers to produce the records of Jawad's captivity. I have submitted a number of motions to compel evidence, but the judge has never ruled on any of them. The records were voluntarily turned over by the prosecutor, Lieutenant Colonel Darrel Vandeveld, a US Army Reserve JAG. Lieutenant Colonel Vandeveld also acted with moral courage in producing a number of exculpatory records relating to the mistreatment of Jawad, knowing well that it could doom the case.
Incidentally, Lieutenant Colonel Vandeveld recently submitted his resignation because he felt he could not ethically continue to work as a prosecutor for the military commissions. I would like to see Lieutenant Colonel Vandeveld get some credit for his moral courage because he is currently facing serious threats of reprisal and retaliation for acting with integrity.
David J.R. Frakt
Mother Earth News online
The Presidential Candidates on Energy Issues

Gas prices, the economy, foreign policy and climate change are all directly or indirectly tied to energy. With the election less than two weeks away, all of these issues on the table and on voters' minds. So before you head out to vote, find out where Senators John McCain and Barack Obama stand on matters from oil to global warming.


Microsoft Ad Campaign Crashing Nation's Televisions

Microsoft Ad

WASHINGTON—Many television owners were left with no other option than to manually restart their devices by unplugging and then plugging them back in.


jay <> thought you would be interested in
the following article from The New York Review of Books.


The New York Review of Books
November 6, 2008

Green Fantasia
By Bill McKibben

Thomas Friedman is the prime leading indicator of the conventional
wisdom, always positioned just far enough ahead of the curve to give
readers the sense that they're in-the-know, but never far enough to
cause deep mental unease. He performs a useful service as a kind of
political GPS unit, telling us where the country is, and could
reasonably be expected to go. And this is his best book, more nuanced
than his last, the best-selling The Earth Is Flat. But it needs to be
viewed as a snapshot of the current dilemmas of policy, not as the
oracle that it often aspires to be......
More Mother goodies:
Don't send those leaves to the landfill:   Put 'Em to Work!
Title says it all:   Cooking Greens for Greens Haters
The relatively routine root crop raised to respectable repast:   Garden Crops to Dig: It's what's going on underground that counts.

Oct 27 08

I need to start by apologizing to Pam. I created this blog and chose the content without getting any feedback from her. She finds some of what I have posted offensive and doesn't care to be associated with it. I am removing her and George's names to reflect that the information and, perhaps, misinformation, presented here are my own and do should not reflect on either of them. I apologize for being so inconsiderate. So, feel free to blast me if you like, but don't blame my poor choices on anyone else.


Gotta love this:

The Nation magazine says good-bye to a scurvy dog! I don't know who can afford to go but I like the sentiment. Bub

Rest in Peace!

Tony Hillerman, one of my favorite authors, died this weekend. He was a keen observer of traditional Navajo ways and wrote captivating mystery novels about life on the Navajo reservation and the conflicts within the tribal nation and its interactions with the larger surrounding world. He is credited by the Navajo with saving much traditional religious wisdom by incorporating it into his novels. Below is an excerpt from an online obituary on

"Born May 27, 1925, in Sacred Heart, Okla., population 50, Tony Hillerman was the son of August and Lucy Grove Hillerman. They were farmers who also ran a small store. It was there that young Tony listened spellbound to locals who gathered to tell their stories.
The teacher at Sacred Heart's one-room school house was rumored to be a member of the Ku Klux Klan, so Tony's parents sent him and his brother, Barney, to St. Mary's Academy, a school for Potawatomie Indian girls near Asher, Okla. It was at St. Mary's that he developed a lifelong respect for Indian culture — and an appreciation of what it means to be an outsider in your own land.
In 1943, he interrupted his education at the University of Oklahoma to join the Army. He lugged his mortar ashore at D-Day with the 103rd Infantry Division and was severely wounded in battle at Alsace, France. He returned from Europe a genuine war hero with a Silver Star with Oak Leaf Cluster, temporary blindness and two shattered legs that never stopped causing him pain.
He returned to the university for his degree and, in 1948, married Marie Unzer. Together, they raised six children, five of them adopted."
Very interesting fellow indeed.

Subject: What If?

What if the Obama's had paraded five children across the stage, including a three-month-old special needs infant and an unwed, pregnant teenage daughter?

What if Barack Obama finished fifth from the bottom of his graduating class?

What if McCain had only married once, and Obama was the divorced candidate?

What if Obama was the candidate who left his first wife after a severe disfiguring car accident, when she no longer measured up to his standards?

What if Obama had met his second wife in a bar and had a long affair while he was still married?

What if Michelle Obama was the wife who not only became addicted to painkillers but also acquired them illegally through her charitable organization?

What if Obama had been a member of the Keating Five?
(The Keating Five were five United States Senators accused of corruption in 1989, igniting a major political scandal as part of the larger Savings and Loan crisis of the late 1980's and early1990's.)

What if Obama couldn't read from a TelePrompTer?

What if Obama was the one who had military experience that included discipline problems and a record of crashing seven planes? And was never given a command position.

What if Obama was the one known to display publicly, on many occasions, a serious anger management problem?

What if Michelle Obama's family had made their money from beer distribution?

What if the Obamas had adopted a white child?

*This is what racism does. It covers up, rationalizes and minimizes positive qualities in one candidate and emphasizes negative qualities in another when there is a color difference.

*Educational Background of the Candidates: *
Barack Obama
Columbia University - B. A. Political Science with a Specialization in International Relations
Harvard - (J.D.) Magna Cum Laude

*Joseph Biden:*
University of Delaware- B. A. in History and B. A. in Political Science.
Syracuse University College of Law – Juris Doctor (J. D.)

*John McCain:*
United States Naval Academy – Class Rank: 894 of 900

*Sarah Palin:*
Hawaii Pacific University – 1 semester
North Idaho College – 2 semesters – general study
University of Idaho – 2 semesters – journalism
Matanuska-Susitna College – 1 semester
University of Idaho – 3 semesters – B. A. in Journalism

*Education isn't everything, but this is about the two highest offices in the land as well as our standing in the world. *

"Debate and Disagreement are the Heart and Soul of Democracy."
Obama 2008

As my friend Les says, she is just gussied up trailer trash.

NY Local
has our city covered from Co-op City to Coney Island



A tip of the fedora to mi amigo, Eduardo, for the following:

May your troubles be less,

May your blessings be more,

And may nothing but


Come through your door!


Getting Older? (aren't we all?)

From The Nation online with thanks to Jay:

Senior Rights and Wrongs

By Harper Jean Tobin

This article appeared in the November 3, 2008 edition of The Nation.

October 16, 2008

A wave of federal court decisions in recent years has made it difficult and sometimes impossible for older Americans to enforce important rights, such as hard-earned pension benefits, freedom from age discrimination, access to long-term care, compensation for injuries caused by faulty medical devices and decent treatment in nursing homes. These decisions are often densely reasoned, relying on abstract notions like national uniformity, efficiency and respect for state governments. Many are motivated, explicitly or implicitly, by a desire to lighten the dockets of overburdened federal courts. The common thread connecting them all is lack of attention to the goals of Congress and the real problems facing older Americans.

Eric Schnapper: The rights of workers get little attention from the court, and employers know they can violate those rights with impunity.
  • Debtor Nation

    Supreme Court

  • Robert M. Lawless: The Supreme Court has done little to protect a nation of debtors from predatory lending practices.

    • Health

        • For example, the Supreme Court has turned the federal pension law on its head, eliminating virtually all remedies when employers deny benefits in bad faith. Since the Court has given them virtual immunity, employers are encouraged to play fast and loose with the law. Last December, the Supreme Court denied review in Eichorn v. AT&T Corp., a case in which the telecom giant engineered the sale of a subsidiary to eliminate the pension rights of more than 1,000 employees. While employees had the right under their pension plan to transfer to other divisions of AT&T and retain their benefits, AT&T effectively canceled those rights by promising its buyer not to rehire them. A federal appeals court acknowledged that the evidence showed a large-scale, intentional violation of law, but it nevertheless threw the case out, ruling that the law provided no remedies for the employees.

          To make matters worse, the Supreme Court's ruling this January in Stoneridge Investment Partners v. Scientific-Atlanta Inc. left public and private pensions more vulnerable than ever to securities fraud. When Enron tanked, pension funds lost tens of millions, yet Enron itself was judgment-proof. The Court shielded Enron's equally culpable corporate collaborators from suit, cutting off the only realistic source of compensation.

          With their assets depleted by escalating medical needs, a growing number of formerly middle-class seniors are turning to Medicaid, which now pays for 60 percent of all nursing home care. Yet federal appeals courts have increasingly ruled that key protections in the Medicaid Act can't be enforced in court. For example, in 2005 a federal appeals court refused to allow seniors to challenge an Oregon rule that, for purely budgetary reasons, deemed some seniors "not sick enough" for home healthcare services; the rule was probably illegal under a provision of the act requiring eligibility standards to be reasonable.

          According to the General Accounting Office, one in five nursing homes was cited last year for putting residents' safety at risk. Yet in a series of decisions, the Supreme Court has rendered seniors more vulnerable by turning the eighty-year-old Federal Arbitration Act, meant for voluntarily resolving disputes between businesses, into a tool for nursing homes and other businesses to force seniors, consumers, workers and others to sign away their right to go to court. By including arbitration clauses in contracts before a dispute arises, companies get an arbitration system that lets them handpick the arbitrators and the rules to be applied, is tilted against consumers, forces families to travel hundreds of miles, hides abuses from the public eye and strictly limits damages. There is no public record, and no appeal. In June David Kurth testified at a Senate hearing that his father died of infected bedsores in a Wisconsin nursing home. When the family sued the facility owner, it used a boilerplate arbitration clause in its admission agreement to force the case out of court and into the industry-controlled arbitration system.

          Congressional leaders have called for legislation to restore rights to older Americans in some of these areas, and a bill to ban predispute arbitration clauses in nursing home admission agreements gained some traction, but no action is expected in this Congress. Older Americans should look to the upcoming election and demand leaders who will undo the damage the courts have done--and appoint judges who won't continue to strip away their rights.


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