Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Oct 28 08

The Electric Fetus
A real live music store with reviews, contests, vinyl records.....
I don't know how you can subscribe online but I receive a paper newsletter that is full of good information if you want to keep up with new music.


A harbinger of things to come:

Climate link to amphibian decline


Tabby cat mothers red panda cub.
( I am a lover of animals so pardon my facetiousness)

Aw, ain't they cute? Precious! Dear?



From Pam and Prevention magazine online
14 Surprising Signs You'll Live Longer Than You Think
What you're doing right, and how to do it better
Will You Live to 100?   [do I really want to?] 



On the slight chance that you might have missed it I want to give my highest recommendation, 5 golden eggs, to the following DVD. There is some guitar music that will send chills down your spine. Check out Jeff Beck playing with his daughter. Bill Murray is a great host as well.

Crossroads: Eric Clapton Guitar Festival 2007
Crossroads: Eric Clapton Guitar Festival 2007










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