Thursday, October 23, 2008

October 23 08

Fwd: Fw: mccain v obama dance off


computers are getting scary.......


Forwarded by my friend Jay:

Southern Poverty Law Center

October 23, 2008

Dear Friend,

Your gift will help protect our legal team at the upcoming trial against the Imperial Klans of America.
Donate today

Our trial against the Klan in November promises to be one of the greatest security challenges we've ever faced. As soon as we filed the lawsuit, the threats started rolling in, including a web post stating "I say we should blow up their building."

We've recently learned that one of the Klan leaders we're facing in our upcoming trial is suspected by an undercover FBI informant of being involved in a plot to kill me.

Ron Edwards, Imperial Klans of America (IKA) leader, is a hardened veteran of the white supremacist movement with connections throughout the violent world of neo-Nazis and skinheads. When I took his deposition, he showed up carrying a concealed pistol. The words "F*** SPLC" were tattooed on his shaven head.

I hope you will send a special gift today to help with the security measures we're taking to protect our staff at the upcoming trial against the IKA.

Over the past 25 years, more than 30 individuals have been convicted of crimes in connection with plots to kill me or in some way harm the Center or its staff.

As a Center supporter, you know our work fighting hate groups always carries a substantial risk that we live with every day. You also know that we will never back down from the hatemongers who want to stop us.

But I must tell you that I'm especially concerned about the security challenges we're tackling right now. I do not personally fear those who would kill me, but I can't stand the thought that any of our staff might be harmed. That's why I've asked our security chief to take whatever steps are necessary to adequately protect SPLC staff.

With your generous gift, we will continue to stand up to these hate-filled terrorists.

I hope for the day that my family and my Center colleagues will no longer have to fear being attacked. But in the meantime, with passionate people like you behind us, we will stand firm in the face of threats and intimidation and continue our work for justice and fairness.

Thank you for your support,

Morris Dees

P.S. Please consider a generous donation today and remember to be a voice of reason in your community. Speak out against hate and bigotry whenever and wherever you see it.


An amazing half-time show by the human slinky. ???? You tell me!!


Chicago Manual of Style ad answer page


My colleagues are divided in their opinions about "storing data in a computer" versus "storing data on a computer." Which is correct? Thanks.


You can do either, but I would store the data in the computer. It used to be easy to store stuff on a computer, but now with flat screens and laptops it tends to slide off.


I am currently digging my way thorough George Soros' book The Age of Fallibility. I am no economist so I find it very challenging. It was written in 2006 and he was predicting our current financial situation very accurately then. Following is an excerpt from an interview with Soros from The New York Review of Books.  The full interview is available at the following link.

Volume 55, Number 8 · May 15, 2008

The Financial Crisis: An Interview with George Soros

By George Soros, Judy Woodruff

The following is an edited and expanded version of an interview with George Soros, Chairman, Soros Fund Management, by Judy Woodruff on Bloomberg TV on April 4.

Judy Woodruff: You write in your new book, The New Paradigm for Financial Markets,[1] that "we are in the midst of a financial crisis the likes of which we haven't seen since the Great Depression." Was this crisis avoidable?

George Soros: I think it was, but it would have required recognition that the system, as it currently operates, is built on false premises. Unfortunately, we have an idea of market fundamentalism, which is now the dominant ideology, holding that markets are self-correcting; and this is false because it's generally the intervention of the authorities that saves the markets when they get into trouble. Since 1980, we have had about five or six crises: the international banking crisis in 1982, the bankruptcy of Continental Illinois in 1984, and the failure of Long-Term Capital Management in 1998, to name only three.


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