Shares of the greeting card company rose rapidly at news that, in addition to the pending holiday season approaching, shitloads of birthdays were coming up.
11/25/08 8:56 AM
Naw, just kidding. They are losing their asses too.
I suggest reading the whole article. A fitting good-bye to a bad president. Time online Bush's Last Days: The Lamest DuckBy JOE KLEIN Joe Klein – Wed Nov 26, 5:45 am ET http://news.yahoo.com/s/time/20081126/us_time/08599186230700 ..... "So I've been searching for valedictory encomiums. His position on immigration was admirable and courageous; he was right about the Dubai Ports deal and about free trade in general. He spoke well, in the abstract, about the importance of freedom. He is an impeccable classicist when it comes to baseball. And that just about does it for me. I'd add the bracing moment of Bush with the bullhorn in the ruins of the World Trade Center, but that was neutered in my memory by his ridiculous, preening appearance in a flight suit on the deck of the aircraft carrier beneath the "Mission Accomplished" sign. The flight-suit image is one of the two defining moments of the Bush failure. The other is the photo of Bush staring out the window of Air Force One, helplessly viewing the destruction wrought by Hurricane Katrina. This is a presidency that has wobbled between those two poles - overweening arrogance and paralytic incompetence." |
Can't wait to get up before the sun on Friday and go shopping? Here is a dandy little Excel file that some industrious soul created to make your life a little easier. Save it to your computer, open it up and sort to your hearts content. The guy must be a saint. A twisted, consumer oriented saint.
SlickDeals.net has a constantly updated page with uploaded scans of all major Black Friday ads (located here), and the website also created a comprehensive Excel spreadsheet (located here) organizing all Black Friday items into one neat place, so getting a quick overview of items and prices won't require having to scan through tons of color ad pages.
from a ZDNet blog http://education.zdnet.com/?p=1968&tag=nl.e623
Go ahead…Hang out on MySpace. Wait, what? Posted by Christopher Dawson @ 3:08 am The MacArthur Foundation just released a study suggesting that, not surprisingly, given the integration of social media into business and modern culture, the time kids spend with so-called new media, is generally neither wasted nor particularly harmful. In fact, as one of the lead researchers points out in the New York Times, Christopher Dawson is the technology director for the Athol-Royalston School District in northern Massachusetts. See his full profile and disclosure of his industry affiliations.
But, that said, there is this: Posted by Christopher Dawson @ 9:43 am Categories: Education Technology Christopher Dawson is the technology director for the Athol-Royalston School District in northern Massachusetts. See his full profile and disclosure of his industry affiliations.
Here is the LU Libraries MySpace page: http://www.myspace.com/harrisonlibrary
From the Mother of all Mothers Mother Earth News online:
Also from Mother The other side of Environmentalism:
Philosophy and farming with publisher Bryan Welch. 11/10/2008 4:33:03 PM By Bryan Welch
I would describe myself as a committed environmentalist. It's my passion and my work. I've covered our deepening environmental crisis as a journalist for 30 years and now I run magazines and Web sites dedicated to raising human awareness of environmental issues. My wife and I raise much of our own food on our little organic farm and we supply organic food to lots of other local families. Environmentalism is my passion, my career, my chief avocation. I've watched the environmental "movement," if you will, grow from a radical, tie-dyed clique into a mainstream global consensus. I don't think we, as environmentalists, can take much credit for that however. We have, for the last 30 years, been among society's least effective leaders and least pleasurable companions. In his 2006 essay, "Beyond Hope," Derrick Jensen claims that the most common words he hears spoken by environmentalists,everywhere,are "We're fucked."[1] He exaggerates, but he has a point. Our attitudes reek of Puritanism. We are, often, dour, strict and humorless. We're judgmental. Behind most of life's simple pleasures we see unnecessary consumption, which we ridicule. Because humanity is responsible for environmental problems we are, ipso facto, all sinners and we find little joy in being human. We portray the giant global corporations as occult covens, and we burn their representatives in effigy in our own reenactments of the Salem witch trials. When our neighbors seem too moderate or abstract for our tastes — as the Quakers did to New England's 17th-century Puritans — we whip them out of the colony, at least figuratively, and we're not above discussing executions. (The Puritan authorities hanged four Quakers for their religious beliefs in Boston between 1659 and 1661.) To say the least, we're no fun a lot of the time. Maybe that explains why we've accomplished so little in the past 30 years. After all, we were right all along. Why has it taken popular opinion so long to catch up? Well, for one thing, no one follows a pessimist. We've spent far too much time confessing our sins and assigning our scarlet letters. We've invested far too little time visualizing successful outcomes. [1] Jensen, Derrick. Beyond Hope. May/June 2006 issue of Orion magazine. Excerpted from Endgame, published in June 2006 by Seven Stories Press. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& From: Reznews@yahoogroups.com [mailto:Reznews@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Larry Kibby By Janet Cosgrove Like me. I may be a Christian, but it's not like I'm one of those wacko "love your neighbor as yourself " types. God forbid! I'm here to tell you there are lots of Christians who aren't anything like the preconceived notions you may have. We're not all into "turning the other cheek." We don't spend our days committing random acts of kindness for no credit. And although we believe that the moral precepts in the Book of Leviticus are the infallible word of God, it doesn't mean we're all obsessed with extremist notions like "righteousness" and "justice." My faith in the Lord is about the pure, simple values: raising children right, saying grace at the table, strictly forbidding those who are Methodists or Presbyterians from receiving communion because their beliefs are heresies, and curing homosexuals. That's all. Just the core beliefs. You won't see me going on some frothy-mouthed tirade about being a comfort to the downtrodden. I'm a normal Midwestern housewife. I believe in the basic teachings of the Bible and the church. Divorce is forbidden. A woman is to be an obedient subordinate to the male head of the household. If a man lieth down with another man, they shall be taken out and killed. Things everybody can agree on, like the miracle of glossolalia that occurred during Pentecost, when the Apostles were visited by the Holy Spirit, who took the form of cloven tongues of fire hovering just above their heads. You know, basic common sense stuff. But that doesn't mean I think people should, like, forgive the sins of those who trespass against them or anything weird like that. We're not all "Jesus Freaks" who run around screaming about how everyone should "Judge not lest ye be judged," whine "Blessed are the meek" all the time, or drone on and on about how we're all equal in the eyes of God! Some of us are just trying to be good, honest folks who believe the unbaptized will roam the Earth for ages without the comfort of God's love when Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior returns on Judgment Day to whisk the righteous off to heaven. Now, granted, there are some Christians on the lunatic fringe who take their beliefs a little too far. Take my coworker Karen, for example. She's way off the deep end when it comes to religion: going down to the homeless shelter to volunteer once a month, donating money to the poor, visiting elderly shut-ins with the Meals on Wheels program—you name it! But believe me, we're not all that way. The people in my church, for the most part, are perfectly ordinary Americans like you and me. They believe in the simple old-fashioned traditions—Christmas, Easter, the slow and deliberate takeover of more and more county school boards to get the political power necessary to ban evolution from textbooks statewide. That sort of thing. We oppose gay marriage as an abomination against the laws of God and America, we're against gun control, and we fervently and unwaveringly believe that the Jews, Muslims, and all on earth who are not born-again Pentecostalists are possessed by Satan and should be treated as such. When it comes down to it, all we want is to see every single member of the human race convert to our religion or else be condemned by a jealous and wrathful God to suffer an eternity of agony and torture in the Lake of Fire! I hope I've helped set the record straight, and I wish you all a very nice day! God bless you! #################### |
Feel like taking a little excursion on the Hippie time machine. This is a guaranteed "trip" man. Some classic music and documentary clips here. It is truly far out. I watched a lot of it on my computer at Netflix. Festival Express(2003) R In the summer of 1970, a chartered train crossed the length and breadth of Canada, carrying some of the world's greatest rock bands as its passengers. Festival Express documents this historical journey. Follow The Grateful Dead, Janis Joplin, The Band, Buddy Guy and others as they live (and party) together for five days, stopping in major cities along the way to play live concerts.
@@@@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@@@@@@@ Why the hell not? I know everyone in Stillwater is just dying to hear my opinions! ;?) Larisa Mann Fighting media consolidation one radio station at a time. ################### Why we don't GET what Granger does. (He is DJing dance parties now, in addition to his radio program.) This is a group in San Francisco. See if you can understand what they are talking about. Too many new terms for me. We ARE getting old. Some of us,anyway. Surya Dub wins 2008 SF Bay Guardian "That cracked and funky dubstep sound surged through Clubland's speakers last year, an irresistible combination of breakbeats energy, dub wooziness, sly grime, intel glitch, and ragga relaxation. Many parties took the sound into uncharted waters, infusing it with hip-hop hooks, Bollywood extravaganza, roots rock swing, or "world music" folksiness. But only one included all those variations simultaneously, while pumping local and international live acts, fierce visuals, multimedia blowouts, and an ever-smiling crowd of rainbow-flavored fans: Surya Dub, a monthly lowdown hoedown at Club Six. The Surya crew, including perennial Bay favorites DJ Maneesh the Twister and Jimmy Love, and wondrous up-and-comers like Kush Arora, Kid Kameleon, DJ Amar, Ripley, and MC Daddy Frank on the mic, describes its ass-thumping sound as "dread bass," which moves beyond wordy genre description into a cosmic territory the rumble in your eardrums can surely attest to. Surya Dub keeps it in the community, too, helping to promote a growing network of citywide dubstep events and spreading their dread bass gospel with parties in India."
Got all that? ***********Lest we lose sight of that other, dirty, little war. There are still lessons to be learned.From The Nation online - Thanks Jay. The Vietnam Exposé That Wasn'tNick Turse : Vietnam War The untold story of US-perpetrated atrocities in Vietnam and how the press killed it. %%%%%%%%%%$$$$$$$$%%%%%%%%Onion Radio NewsFit Of Anger Turns Dairy Farmer Into Beef Farmer*)))))*))))*)))))*)))))*
Elder Statesman? Where do they get off calling this kid an elder statesman? Why, I was puking my guts out at the Cain's ballroom while he was still in diapers! I'm not supposed to brag about that? I guess that means I am not getting a State Department job?
Baseball star now a diplomat
Wanda's dishwasher quit working so she called in a repairman. Since she had to go to work the next day, she told the repairman, I'll leave the key under the mat. Fix the dishwasher, leave the bill on the counter, and I'll mail you a check. $$$$$$$&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&$$$$$$ Another tis the season notice: Watch out for those nasty fake "e-postcard" notifications. Snopes suggests going to the actual site of the post card company and then looking for the "card pick-up page" on the site and entering the ID code from the e-mail. Just don't go there by clicking on the link in the e-mail. You don't really want to become a spam-bot. Or do you? I have my suspicions, but I won't name names until the investigation is complete. shhhhh. &*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*& Well, Balzac and I will have a lot of work to do to compete with this couple. Of course, Balzac and I will have a lot of work to do to get him to stop jumping up on everyone. Or, sitting, staying, etc..... This is really a feel good video clip. Enjoy, Bub The Dancing Dog tp://www.familytiez.com/video/gin.htm 888**********************************888 Sent by Jay From the Argus Leader Posted on RezNews Thursday, November 20, 2008
Note From Reznews List Owner - Larry Kibby: So with the accusations of corruption looming over-head of Indian Health Service, I was wondering of the future of IHS. The proposed nomination of Former South Dakota Senator Tom Daschle, who is very much aware of health problems that have impacted the tribes in his state I would almost be inclined to think that Daschle would be the more wiser to the general health problems facing all of Indian Country, this nomination could be very good for Indian Country in the long run. I would hope he has the knowledge that Indian Cuntry needs more doctors and medical staff, not too mention more modern medicine and supplies, which hopefully won't be stolen.
Daschle to join Obama Cabinet Faith Bremner • Argus Leader Washington Bureau • November 20, 2008
WASHINGTON - Former Sen. Tom Daschle has been chosen to head the Department of Health and Human Services, likely making him the first South Dakotan selected to serve in a presidential Cabinet.
Daschle was an early supporter of Obama's candidacy and was one of his top advisers during the campaign. Attempts to reach Daschle and members of Obama's transition team were unsuccessful.
As news of Daschle's selection was made public Wednesday, South Dakotans and others close to Daschle reacted.
"He is a very pragmatic and inclusive individual," Nelson said. "That and his ability to solicit support for initiatives allows him to be an agent of change."
"If (his ideas) are not too far out in left field, not too mandated and not limited to one (provider) - mainly the government - there's a possibility of (national) support," said Tommy Thompson, who served as HHS secretary from 2001 to 2005. "(Daschle) is a wonderful choice, and I'm happy for Tom, the (new) president and the country."
Overseeing $700 billion budget HHS has the largest budget of any federal agency. Last year, it received $707.7 billion and had 64,750 employees, according to its Web site. Its subagencies include the National Institutes of Health, the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It also oversees the Indian Health Service and Medicare and Medicaid.
It's possible Daschle would have to make incremental moves in his quest for a national health insurance program, such as adding money for the state-federal Children's Health Insurance Program or for community clinics, Johnson said.
Congress may make job more difficult Daschle also would have to deal with competing reform proposals in Congress, said Grace-Marie Turner, president of the Galen Institute, a conservative think tank that focuses on health care issues. Sens. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., Max Baucus, D-Mont., and Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, among others, all have health care reform agendas, Turner said.
Daschle was the Senate Democratic leader when he was defeated in 2004 by Republican John Thune, who persuaded voters back home that Daschle was more concerned with Washington than with them.
Reviewing lobbyist connections Daschle stayed in the capital after his defeat, becoming a public policy adviser and member of the legislative and policy group at the law and lobbying firm Alston & Bird. Daschle isn't registered as a lobbyist. He advises clients on issues including health care, financial services, taxes and trade, according to the firm's Web site.
One area of review will include the lobbying connections of his wife, Linda Daschle, who has worked mostly on behalf of airline-related companies.
Decision thrills Native Americans No one would welcome Daschle's appointment as HHS secretary more than Native Americans. For 12 years, tribes have been pushing to modernize the Indian Health Service. Again this year, legislation to update the service died in Congress, pushed aside by more pressing issues, said Stacy Bohlen, executive director of the National Indian Health Board, an organization that represents Indian tribes.
Although Daschle's ties to South Dakota aren't as strong as they were, heading HHS would help keep him firmly in the state's pantheon of successful leaders, said Ken Blanchard, political science professor at Northern State University .
About the job The Secretary of Health and Human Services, 10th in line for the presidency in the order of succession beginning with the vice president, supervises the Department of Health and Human Services.
My sis sent this. She assures me it works. Our remote doesn't work so I can't test it. Might be a good idea. CAR KEYS PUT YOUR EXTRA CAR KEY BESIDE YOUR BED AT NIGHT Tell your spouse, your children, your neighbors, your parents your Dr office, the check-out girl at the market, everyone you meet. Put your car keys beside your bed at night. If you hear a noise outside your home or someone trying to get in your house, just press the panic button for your car. The alarm will be set off, and the horn will continue to sound until either you turn it off or the car battery dies. This tip came from a neighborhood watch coordinator. Next time you come home for the night and you start to put your keys away, think of this: It's a security alarm system that you probably already have and requires no installation. Test it. It will go off from most everywhere inside your house and will keep honking until your battery runs down or until you reset it with the button on the key fob chain. It works if you park in your driveway or garage If your car alarm goes off when someone is trying to break in your house, odds are the burglar/rapist won't stick around... After a few seconds all the neighbors will be looking out their windows to see who is out there and sure enough the criminal won't want t hat. And remember to carry your keys while walking to your car in a parking lot. The alarm can work the same way there .... This is something that should really be shared with everyone. Maybe it could save a life or a sexual abuse crime. Could also be useful for any emergency, such as a heart attack, where you can't reach a phone. A lady has suggested to her husband that he carry his car keys with him in case he falls outside and she doesn't hear him. He can activate the car alarm and then she'll know there's a problem. |
Thought you might find this album interesting. Jeff Beck in concert. I haven't listened to the samples but can't imagine it could really be anything other that great. @@@@@@@@@@@@@ Don't forget the stuffed cat. Where's the stuffed cat? Is this anti-feline discrimination?
+++++++++++++++++++++++ Submitted to GovDoc-l by Larry Romans Head, Government Information and Media Services Political Science and Communication Studies Bibliographer Vanderbilt University Libraries Letter from President-elect Obama regarding the EPA John Gage National President American Federation of Government Employees, AFL-CIO 80 F Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 Dear President Gage, I am writing to share my views with you regarding the importance of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in an Obama Administration. The mission of the EPA is to protect the environment of the nation. In recent years, however, the pursuit of this goal has slowed, and in some cases, has been jeopardized outright. This is due to the failed leadership of the past eight years, despite the strong and ongoing commitment of the career individuals throughout this agency. During this same period, inadequate funding for the EPA has resulted in the ineffective allocation of resources, thus weakening enforcement and oversight of many environmental laws and regulations that protect the American people. That's why I am committed to pursuing greater funding for the EPA so that its responsibilities are carried out. Clean water, land and air, and ensuring the health and safety of our citizens, especially children, will be high priorities in an Obama Administration. In addition, EPA was established to be the nation's leader in environmental science, research, and education - yet these are the three fields which have been damaged by politics and ideology. I strongly oppose attempts by the Bush Administration to thwart publication of EPA researchers' scientific findings, as well as the attempt to eliminate the agency's library system. In an Obama Administration, the principle of scientific integrity will be an absolute, and I will never sanction any attempt to subvert the work of scientists. Thank you, John, for all you and AFGE's members do for America, and for the protection of our environment. Sincerely, Barack Obama ########################## Mother Earth News online http://www.motherearthnews.com/print-article.aspx?id=74532 Make Safe, Natural Paint October/November 2006 Issue #218 By Bill Steen @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |